De Gulden Passer, vol. 98 (2020), nr. 2: Studies of the Officina Plantiniana at the quincentennial of Plantin’s birth (PDF)

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PDF van editie 2 van 2020, de 98ste jaargang van De Gulden Passer, 319 blz.


Nina Lamal & J. Christopher Warner (eds), Christophe Plantin 1520–2020. Studies of the Officina Plantiniana at the quincentennial of Plantin’s birth, Antwerp 2020, 319 blz.

In dit nummer:

Goran Proot, Foreword

Nina Lamal & J. Christopher Warner, Introduction

Dennis Pallier, ‘A Paris. Au Compas d’or, Rue Sainct Jacques’. La succursale parisienne de Plantin. Première partie: sources, organisation, approvisionnement, réseau
Mark McConnell, Publishing risk and cost incentives in Early Modern printing. An examination of Christopher Plantin’s operations
Renaud Milazzo, In the mind of a publisher. Establishing the price of emblem books in Antwerp in the sixteenth century
Kristof Selleslach, How to transfer the Officina Plantiniana to the next generation. The instructions of Balthasar Moretus II to his future heirs (1659–1673)

Kristof Selleslach, Family trees