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Obrigado Boris

Ter ere van Boris Rousseeuw  zal op 26 februari 2025 Obrigado Boris verschijnen, een exclusieve uitgave met oorspronkelijke teksten en illustraties van Manu van der Aa, Steven Van Ammel, Benno Barnard, Luc Boudens, Arnon Grunberg, Tom Lanoye, Léon Lemahieu, Filip Marsboom, Natacha Michiels, Bavo Overlaet-Michiels, Bart Peeters, Peter Pelckmans, Elisa Pesapane, Arie Pos, Vic van de Reijt, Boris Rousseeuw, Maria-Frederika Rousseeuw, Isabelle Vandenabeele, Johan Vanhecke, Rudy Vanschoonbeek, Bruno Vekemans, Nick ter Wal, Gerard van Winkelhoff, Arie Pos en met de fondslijst van De Carbolineum Pers. De teksten worden gezet uit de Epicene en gedrukt op 140 grams houtvrij getint offset…

HISTOIRE DE LA BIBLIOPHILIE : 500 ans d`amour du livre

GALANTARIS Christian Éditeur : Éditions Ipagine Prix de vente au public (TTC) : 250.00€ Livre imprimé 616 pages ; 24,5 x 17 cm ; relié ISBN 978-2-494663-19-0 EAN 9782494663190 Mots-clés : Histoire Résumé : Histoire de la bibliophilie depuis 500ans…sur les traces du livre et des grands bibliophiles

Printing Privileges in the Early Modern Low Countries

  Dit nummer het handelt volledig over drukkersprivilegies en kan in open access worden geraadpleegd:   Early Modern Low Countries (EMLC) is a leading open access journal dedicated to the study of the early modern Low Countries. We publish multidisciplinary and state-of-the-art scholarship on any aspect of the turbulent history of this region between 1500 and 1830. The journal has its origins in a cooperation between two former journals on the Low Countries, De Zeventiende Eeuw and De Achttiende Eeuw.

Lies of the Land: Painted Maps in Late Medieval and Early Modern France

An illuminating study of the unique trajectory of map-painting in sixteenth-century France. Lies of the Land examines the often-overlooked artistic roots of mapmaking practice in early modern France, offering an original perspective on discourses of accuracy and their relationship to the pictorial origins of modern mapmaking. Until the seventeenth century, most mapmakers in France were painters. Schooled in techniques of drawing and perspective—and in the careful study of nature that we associate with early modernity—they also learned the more expressive and imaginative Mannerist forms that dominated French painting in this period. Their maps draw on conventions of both painting and mapmaking…

In Readers’ Hands

This volume explores the production, transmission, and reading practices of vernacular Bibles in early modern Europe. This varied collection of essays provides historical, book historical, literary, theological, and art historical perspectives to the movements of manuscript and printed Bibles. The contributions concern Bibles in many different languages and from across the European continent, from Ireland to Portugal. Rather than perceiving Scripture and the material carriers of Scripture as static things, this volume demonstrates how Bibles constantly acquired new meanings and functions as they moved through time and space, and were touched by the hands of makers, readers, and users.

Dictionnaire encyclopédique du livre illustré (France, xixe-xxie siècle)

Presque mille pages, deux cent trente notices rédigées par plus de vingt spécialistes permettent pour la première fois de cerner les concepts et les termes spécifiques propres à la notion de « livre illustré », cela dans le cadre de l’histoire matérielle et culturelle de l’édition.  

Catalogus Vesalius-tentoonstelling

Tijdens de Antiquarenbeurs in Mechelen op 6-7-8 december verzorgen we een tentoonstelling van werken uit privécollecties ter gelegenheid van het 460ste sterfjaar van Andreas Vesalius, Hierbij de catalogus:

Jos Hartman: De grondleggers van de Librije in Zutphen

Sinds het jaar 1500 heeft de Walburgiskerk in Zutphen een bibliotheek. In 1564 werd de nieuwe Librije geopend. De geschiedenis van de Librije en haar boeken is ook een geschiedenis van burgers van Zutphen die vonden dat er een openbare bibliotheek moest komen. In dit prachtig geïllustreerde boek maakt de lezer kennis met tien personen uit de vijftiende en zestiende eeuw die de Librije hebben bedacht, gebouwd en voorzien van boeken. Het gaat om een burgemeester van een stad in oorlog, enkele geestelijken van de Walburgiskerk en drie kerkmeesters. De eerste kerkmeester bedacht de Librije, de tweede bouwde haar en…

Renaud Milazzo: Labor et Constantia Christophe Plantin e il mercato europeo del libro (1555-1589)

Nel contesto socio-economico della seconda metà del XVI secolo, un periodo di profonde trasformazioni culturali e conflitti religiosi, l’imprenditore librario Christophe Plantin (1555-1589), emerse ad Anversa come una figura eccezionale nel panorama editoriale europeo. Questo studio si propone di svelare i meccanismi che regolavano il funzionamento della più importante casa editrice del XVI secolo, mettendo Plantin al centro dell’analisi. La ricerca è stata resa possibile grazie alla conservazione di uno straordinario documento d’archivio, il manoscritto M 296, conservato presso il Museo Plantin-Moretus di Anversa. Questo manoscritto rivela come, già nel XVI secolo, il mantenimento di una posizione di leadership nel…

Sarah Neville: Early Modern Herbals and the Book Trade

Between 1525 and 1640, a remarkable phenomenon occurred in the world of print: England saw the production of more than two dozen editions identified by their imprints or by contemporaries as ‘herbals’. Sarah Neville explains how this genre grew from a series of tiny anonymous octavos to authoritative folio tomes with thousands of woodcuts, and how these curious works quickly became valuable commodities within a competitive print marketplace. Designed to serve readers across the social spectrum, these rich material artifacts represented both a profitable investment for publishers and an opportunity for authors to establish their credibility as botanists. Highlighting the…