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Publishers, Censors and Collectors in the European Book Trade, 1650–1750

Editors: Ann-Marie Hansen  and Arthur der Weduwen This edited volume explores the development of the European book world between 1650 and 1750, concentrating on changes in publishing strategies, practices of censorship, the circulation of second-hand books and the building of libraries. Its essays discuss this critical, but much neglected period of print history through case studies from Spain, Italy, France, the Holy Roman Empire, Britain and the Netherlands. Ranging from the posthumous publication of Galileo to the regulation of the book auction market, this volume demonstrates that the century between 1650 and 1750 was a transformative period for the history of…

How Missionaries Lived their Option for China. 17th Century until today

ieter Ackerman & Hugo Vanheeswijck (eds.) (Leuven Chinese Studies XLVI) Leuven, 2024, 376page, EUR 40,00 Language: English ISBN: 978-9492768- 162 From August 24th to August 27th 2021, the 14th International Conference of the Verbiest Institute KU Leuven took place. Due to the corona pandemic, scholars met online. This book gathers the papers presented during the conference, related to missionary history. Central in this conference was the idea that the term Mission contains much more than missionaries preaching the Gospel and baptizing. It includes exchange of values in the field of religion, culture, art,  … It is about people enriching each other mutually with human values, people…

Dürer’s Knots: Early European Print and the Islamic East

Albrecht Dürer’s depictions of Muslim figures and subjects are considered by many to be among his most perplexing images. This confusion arises from the assumption that the artist and his northern European contemporaries regarded the Muslim Levant as an exotic faraway land inhabited by hostile adversaries, not a region of neighboring empires affiliated through political and mercantile networks. Susan Dackerman casts Dürer’s art in an entirely new light, focusing on prints that portray cooperation between the Muslim and Christian worlds rather than conflict and war, enabling us to better understand early modern Europe through its visual culture. In this beautifully…

Ann-Marie Hansen and Arthur der Weduwen: Publishers, Censors and Collectors in the European Book Trade, 1650–1750

This edited volume explores the development of the European book world between 1650 and 1750, concentrating on changes in publishing strategies, practices of censorship, the circulation of second-hand books and the building of libraries. Its essays discuss this critical, but much neglected period of print history through case studies from Spain, Italy, France, the Holy Roman Empire, Britain and the Netherlands. Ranging from the posthumous publication of Galileo to the regulation of the book auction market, this volume demonstrates that the century between 1650 and 1750 was a transformative period for the history of the printed book.See Less Copyright Year:  2024…

Noël Golvers: Minor Essays on Ferdinand Verbiest, S.J. (1623-1688)

Leuven, 2024, 621page, EUR 75,00 Language: English ISBN: 978–9492768– 155 ORDER The Verbiest Institute in Leuven was named after the Belgian Jesuit missionary Ferdinand Verbiest, who was born in Pittem, Belgium, in 1623. From the beginning, research on Ferdinand Verbiest, and his fellow missionaries from the 17de century, was one of the research fields in which the Verbiest Institute wanted to engage in. This book contains 23 essays, the result of Noël Golvers’ research of the 35 years between the commemoration of the 300th anniversary of Verbiest’s decease in 1988 and the celebration of the 400th anniversary of his birthday on 9 February 2023….

The Production of Knowledge of Normativity in the Age of the Printing Press

Martín de Azpilcueta’s Manual de Confessores from a Global Perspective Series:  Max Planck Studies in Global Legal History of the Iberian Worlds, Volume: 4 Volume Editor: Manuela Bragagnolo This volume explores the production of knowledge of normativity in the age of early modern globalisation by looking at an extraordinarily pragmatic and normative book: Manual de Confessores, by the Spanish canon law professor Martín de Azpilcueta (1492-1586). Intertwining expertise, methods, and questions of legal history and book history, this book follows the actors and analyses the factors involved in the production, circulation, and use of the Manual, both in printed and manuscript forms, in the…

Early Modern Catholicism and the Printed Book

Agents – Networks – Responses Series:  Library of the Written Word, Volume: 119 Library of the Written Word – The Handpress World, Volume: 119 Editors: Justyna Kiliańczyk-Zięba  and Magdalena Komorowska This collection of essays engages with a variety of aspects of early modern book culture in the 16th-17th centuries, considered in the Catholic context. The contributions reflect on the engagement of institutions and authorities in the process…See More Copyright Year: 2024 E-Book (PDF) Availability: Published ISBN: 978-90-04-53867-2 Publication: 12 Feb 2024 EUR  €171.13 EUR  €157.00 excl. VAT Hardback Availability: Published ISBN: 978-90-04-53866-5 Publication: 12 Mar 2024 EUR  €171.13  EUR  €157.00 excl. VAT

Wat ik ooit ook ben geweest, nu ben ik klassiek

Een nieuwe boekuitgave bij Desiderata. Op 19 april is het 200 jaar geleden dat in Griekenland de Engelse dichter Lord Byron aan een koorts bezweek. Byron verbleef in Griekenland om een bijdrage te leveren aan de bevrijdingsoorlog tegen de Turken. Zijn dood bracht een schokgolf teweeg in Europa. In korte tijd verschenen tientallen gedichten waarin zijn dood werd betreurd. Maar de invloed van zijn leven en zijn werk reikte verder dan de poëzie. In de uitgave van Desiderata, Wat ik ooit ook ben geweest, nu ben ik klassiek, wordt zowel in woord als in beeld gedetailleerd aandacht besteed aan de…

Dagboekfragmenten Stijn Streuvels

Antoon De Vylder, jarenlang docent aan het Plantin Genootschap / Plantin Instituut voor Typografie, heeft geheel per toeval, na een verhuizing, niet-ingebonden vellen teruggevonden van een prachtige uitgave die hij in 1989 gemaakt heeft van onuitgegeven dagboekfragmenten van Stijn Streuvels. Hij heeft die vellen nu alsnog laten inbinden en biedt ze voor een spotprijs te koop aan, omdat zijn bibliofiel  geweten hem verbiedt om ze naar de container te brengen. Contact: [email protected]

Anette Hagan (ed.): Spotlights on Incunabula

The five hundred years from the 1450s to the 1950s represent an extraordinarily rich quarry for evidence of incunabula sales, collecting, and use. What book lists reveal about publishing and reading habits in late-fifteenth-century Venice, how a Scottish librarian went about acquiring incunabula during World War II, and the international workshop connections glimpsed through early Hungarian bindings are among the topics explored in this volume. Library professionals aim spotlights on French plague tracts, Deventer as a printing place, the use of incunabula in learned societies in the nineteenth century, and incunabula collecting by monks and universities in England and Scotland.See…