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Publishers, Censors and Collectors in the European Book Trade, 1650–1750

Editors: Ann-Marie Hansen  and Arthur der Weduwen This edited volume explores the development of the European book world between 1650 and 1750, concentrating on changes in publishing strategies, practices of censorship, the circulation of second-hand books and the building of libraries. Its essays discuss this critical, but much neglected period of print history through case studies from Spain, Italy, France, the Holy Roman Empire, Britain and the Netherlands. Ranging from the posthumous publication of Galileo to the regulation of the book auction market, this volume demonstrates that the century between 1650 and 1750 was a transformative period for the history of

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Prijsvraag: de oudste boekband uit de Nederlanden

Op 31 maart 2024 is het precies veertig jaar geleden dat de eerste leden, waaronder Jos Hermans en Jan Storm van Leeuwen, zich met elkaar verbonden in het Belgisch-Nederlands Boekbandengenootschap (BNB). Het Boekbandengenootschap bestaat uit onderzoekers en liefhebbers van boekbanden en de materiële geschiedenis van het boek. Ter ere van het veertigste jubileum zullen er het hele jaar activiteiten plaatsvinden met als hoogtepunt in het najaar het congres: 40 jaar Belgisch-Nederlands Boekbandengenootschap — nieuwe perspectieven op een rijk verleden. Om dit feestjaar met gepast bombasme in te luiden, schrijft het genootschap een prijsvraag uit! De oudste boekband in of uit

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How Missionaries Lived their Option for China. 17th Century until today

ieter Ackerman & Hugo Vanheeswijck (eds.) (Leuven Chinese Studies XLVI) Leuven, 2024, 376page, EUR 40,00 Language: English ISBN: 978-9492768- 162 From August 24th to August 27th 2021, the 14th International Conference of the Verbiest Institute KU Leuven took place. Due to the corona pandemic, scholars met online. This book gathers the papers presented during the conference, related to missionary history. Central in this conference was the idea that the term Mission contains much more than missionaries preaching the Gospel and baptizing. It includes exchange of values in the field of religion, culture, art,  … It is about people enriching each other mutually with human values, people

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Dürer’s Knots: Early European Print and the Islamic East

Albrecht Dürer’s depictions of Muslim figures and subjects are considered by many to be among his most perplexing images. This confusion arises from the assumption that the artist and his northern European contemporaries regarded the Muslim Levant as an exotic faraway land inhabited by hostile adversaries, not a region of neighboring empires affiliated through political and mercantile networks. Susan Dackerman casts Dürer’s art in an entirely new light, focusing on prints that portray cooperation between the Muslim and Christian worlds rather than conflict and war, enabling us to better understand early modern Europe through its visual culture. In this beautifully

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Ann-Marie Hansen and Arthur der Weduwen: Publishers, Censors and Collectors in the European Book Trade, 1650–1750

This edited volume explores the development of the European book world between 1650 and 1750, concentrating on changes in publishing strategies, practices of censorship, the circulation of second-hand books and the building of libraries. Its essays discuss this critical, but much neglected period of print history through case studies from Spain, Italy, France, the Holy Roman Empire, Britain and the Netherlands. Ranging from the posthumous publication of Galileo to the regulation of the book auction market, this volume demonstrates that the century between 1650 and 1750 was a transformative period for the history of the printed book.See Less Copyright Year:  2024

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Draagt u ook bij aan de restauratie van het Rousseau-album?

In de tentoonstelling ‘James Ensor. Inspired by Brussels’ kan u enkele bijzondere stukken van James Ensor ontdekken, zoals het unieke Rousseau-album, dat de intieme correspondentie bevat van James Ensor met de Brusselse familie Rousseau. Dit uitzonderlijke object is dringend aan restauratie toe en uw hulp is daarbij essentieel. Maak deel uit van dit unieke project en help mee dit buitengewone erfgoed te bewaren. https://www.kbr.be/nl/crowdfunding-james-ensor-album-rousseau/  

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