
07 Nov 2024

Amsterdam Map Fair

The First International Amsterdam Map Fair will be held on Saturday, 7 September 2024, in the Amsterdam Scheepvaart Museum (Maritime Museum), Kattenburgerplein 1, 1018 KK Amsterdam, The Netherlands.

The museum is a scenic 19 minutes walk from Amsterdam Central Station [ directions from CS ] or a 10-minute tram ride away.

The 30 participating map dealers from The Netherlands, Belgium, France, England, United States, Germany, Italy and South Korea will offer for sale a large range of antique sea charts, maps, city plans of all parts of the world, globes and atlases.

Opening times

Opening for the general public at 12.00 on Saturday, 7 September 2024, with the closing at 18.00

With free entry to the fair and the Scheepvaart Museum. 10.00 – 17.00

Opening at 11.00 exclusively for members of « Vrienden van het Scheepvaart Museum » and by invitation 

Members of « Vrienden van het Scheepvaart Museum » receive a 10% discount on purchases of items from participating map dealers.

Cocktail reception and Amsterdam canal tour on Friday evening.

The event kicks off on Friday evening with a cocktail reception with a 2-hour boat tour in the Amsterdam canals,  Friday 6 September, starting at 18.00. Limited to 50 guests.

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