Hidden Libraries

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Discover 50 of the world's most magnificent hidden libraries - each with a unique and uplifting story to tell - featuring a foreword by librarian, bestselling author, and literary critic…

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Zanna Van Loon: The Early Modern Production of Missionary Books on Indigenous Languages in New Spain and Peru

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How do the social, material, and spatial processes underlying the making of early modern missionary grammars, vocabularies, and devotional translations deepen our understanding of their contents? The handwritten and printed…

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Obrigado Boris

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Ter ere van Boris Rousseeuw  zal op 26 februari 2025 Obrigado Boris verschijnen, een exclusieve uitgave met oorspronkelijke teksten en illustraties van Manu van der Aa, Steven Van Ammel, Benno…

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In Readers’ Hands

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This volume explores the production, transmission, and reading practices of vernacular Bibles in early modern Europe. This varied collection of essays provides historical, book historical, literary, theological, and art historical…

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Renaud Milazzo: Labor et Constantia Christophe Plantin e il mercato europeo del libro (1555-1589)

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Nel contesto socio-economico della seconda metà del XVI secolo, un periodo di profonde trasformazioni culturali e conflitti religiosi, l'imprenditore librario Christophe Plantin (1555-1589), emerse ad Anversa come una figura eccezionale…

Continuer la lectureRenaud Milazzo: Labor et Constantia Christophe Plantin e il mercato europeo del libro (1555-1589)

How Missionaries Lived their Option for China. 17th Century until today

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ieter Ackerman & Hugo Vanheeswijck (eds.) (Leuven Chinese Studies XLVI) Leuven, 2024, 376page, EUR 40,00 Language: English ISBN: 978-9492768- 162 From August 24th to August 27th 2021, the 14th International Conference of the Verbiest…

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Ann-Marie Hansen and Arthur der Weduwen: Publishers, Censors and Collectors in the European Book Trade, 1650–1750

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This edited volume explores the development of the European book world between 1650 and 1750, concentrating on changes in publishing strategies, practices of censorship, the circulation of second-hand books and…

Continuer la lectureAnn-Marie Hansen and Arthur der Weduwen: Publishers, Censors and Collectors in the European Book Trade, 1650–1750

S. E. Berger: A Glossary for Book Collectors, Booksellers, Librarians, and Others, 2nd Edition

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From Library Journal's Starred Review: "This ambitious and entertaining update solidifies Berger’s volume as a must-have title for librarians, booksellers, collectors, and students of the book arts and book history." This new…

Continuer la lectureS. E. Berger: A Glossary for Book Collectors, Booksellers, Librarians, and Others, 2nd Edition

Frans-Willem Korsten, Inger Leemans, Cornelis van der Haven & Karel Vanhaesebrouck, Marketing Violence. The Affective Economy of Violent Imageries in the Dutch Republic, Cambridge University Press

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Meer informatie: Marketing Violence (cambridge.org)

Continuer la lectureFrans-Willem Korsten, Inger Leemans, Cornelis van der Haven & Karel Vanhaesebrouck, Marketing Violence. The Affective Economy of Violent Imageries in the Dutch Republic, Cambridge University Press

Maria Barnas, Rik van Iersel, Domenique Himmelsbach de Vries & Marcel Ruijters, Hanze art – oude boeken nieuwe kunst, Uitgeverij petrichor en de Athenaeumbibliotheek

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Meer informatie: https://bibliotheekdeventer.op-shop.nl/369/hanze-art-oude-boeken-nieuwe-kunst2?fbclid=IwAR0IMXgV8q8YIJfUIm0kGRi31GPjOWz1nshIqUnBKDeBe21yf3p_4kO0Ko0

Continuer la lectureMaria Barnas, Rik van Iersel, Domenique Himmelsbach de Vries & Marcel Ruijters, Hanze art – oude boeken nieuwe kunst, Uitgeverij petrichor en de Athenaeumbibliotheek

Andrea van Leerdam, Woodcuts as Reading Guides How Images Shaped Knowledge Transmission in Medical-Astrological Books in Dutch (1500-1550), Amsterdam University Press.

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Meer informatie: Woodcuts as Reading Guides | Amsterdam University Press (aup.nl)

Continuer la lectureAndrea van Leerdam, Woodcuts as Reading Guides How Images Shaped Knowledge Transmission in Medical-Astrological Books in Dutch (1500-1550), Amsterdam University Press.

Rindert Jagersma, Helwi Blom, Evelien Chayes, and Ann-Marie Hansen (ed.), Private Libraries and their Documentation, 1665–1830, Brill.

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Meer informatie: Private Libraries and their Documentation, 1665–1830 – Studying and Interpreting Sources | Brill

Continuer la lectureRindert Jagersma, Helwi Blom, Evelien Chayes, and Ann-Marie Hansen (ed.), Private Libraries and their Documentation, 1665–1830, Brill.

Tine De Koninck, Van hof naar kapel. Franse air-de-courmelodieën in zeventiende-eeuwse liedboeken uit de Zuidelijke Nederlanden, Leuven University Press, KANTL-Publicaties.

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Meer informatie: Van hof naar kapel – Leuven University Press (lup.be)

Continuer la lectureTine De Koninck, Van hof naar kapel. Franse air-de-courmelodieën in zeventiende-eeuwse liedboeken uit de Zuidelijke Nederlanden, Leuven University Press, KANTL-Publicaties.

Hans Bots, Eugénie Bots-Estourgie, Sébastien Drouin & Jan Schillings (ed.),Les libraires de Hollande en correspondance avec Pierre Des Maizeaux (1698-1744). La librairie de Hollande dans la premiere moitié du XVIIIe siècle, Honoré Champion.

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Meer informatie: Honoré Champion (honorechampion.com)

Continuer la lectureHans Bots, Eugénie Bots-Estourgie, Sébastien Drouin & Jan Schillings (ed.),Les libraires de Hollande en correspondance avec Pierre Des Maizeaux (1698-1744). La librairie de Hollande dans la premiere moitié du XVIIIe siècle, Honoré Champion.

Anna Dlabačová, Andrea van Leerdam, and John Thompson (ed.), Vernacular Books and Their Readers in the Early Age of Print (c. 1450–1600), Brill.

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Meer informatie: Vernacular Books and Their Readers in the Early Age of Print (c. 1450–1600) | Brill

Continuer la lectureAnna Dlabačová, Andrea van Leerdam, and John Thompson (ed.), Vernacular Books and Their Readers in the Early Age of Print (c. 1450–1600), Brill.

Jonas Nordin, Gustavs Strenga, and Peter Sjökvist (red.), The Baltic Battle of Books. Formation and Relocation of European Libraries in the Confessional Age (c. 1500–c. 1650) and Their Afterlife, Brill.

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Meer informatie: The Baltic Battle of Books – Formation and Relocation of European Libraries in the Confessional Age (c. 1500–c. 1650) and Their Afterlife | Brill

Continuer la lectureJonas Nordin, Gustavs Strenga, and Peter Sjökvist (red.), The Baltic Battle of Books. Formation and Relocation of European Libraries in the Confessional Age (c. 1500–c. 1650) and Their Afterlife, Brill.

Geri Della Rocca de Candal, Anthony Grafton, and Paolo Sachet (red.), Printing and Misprinting. A Companion to Mistakes and In-House Corrections in Renaissance Europe (1450-1650), Oxford University Press.

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Meer informatie: Printing and Misprinting - Geri Della Rocca de Candal, Anthony Grafton, Paolo Sachet - Oxford University Press (oup.com)

Continuer la lectureGeri Della Rocca de Candal, Anthony Grafton, and Paolo Sachet (red.), Printing and Misprinting. A Companion to Mistakes and In-House Corrections in Renaissance Europe (1450-1650), Oxford University Press.

Renaud Adam et Chiara Lastraioli (red.), Lost in Renaissance. Sept essais d’histoire du livre. Seven Essays on the History of the Book, Honoré Champion Éditeur.

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Meer informatie: Honoré Champion (honorechampion.com)

Continuer la lectureRenaud Adam et Chiara Lastraioli (red.), Lost in Renaissance. Sept essais d’histoire du livre. Seven Essays on the History of the Book, Honoré Champion Éditeur.

Claudine Chavannes-Mazel, Linda IJpelaar (red.), The Green Middle Ages The Depiction and Use of Plants in the Western World 600-1600, Amsterdam University Press.

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Meer informatie: The Green Middle Ages | Amsterdam University Press (aup.nl)

Continuer la lectureClaudine Chavannes-Mazel, Linda IJpelaar (red.), The Green Middle Ages The Depiction and Use of Plants in the Western World 600-1600, Amsterdam University Press.

Paul Stockman, ‘Bidden en Werken’. Cisterciënzers in Vlaanderen en Zeeuws-Vlaanderen (1183-1645).Hulst: De Maelstede, 2023.

Meer informatie: https://www.studiecentrumdemaelstede.nl/product/9723397/bidden-en-werken-cistercienzers-in-vlaanderen-en-zeeuws-vlaanderen-met-verzendkosten

Continuer la lecturePaul Stockman, ‘Bidden en Werken’. Cisterciënzers in Vlaanderen en Zeeuws-Vlaanderen (1183-1645).Hulst: De Maelstede, 2023.

Geri Della Rocca de Candal, Anthony Grafton, and Paolo Sachet (ed.), Printing and Misprinting A Companion to Mistakes and In-House Corrections in Renaissance Europe (1450-1650). Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2023.

Meer informatie: https://global.oup.com/academic/product/printing-and-misprinting-9780198863045

Continuer la lectureGeri Della Rocca de Candal, Anthony Grafton, and Paolo Sachet (ed.), Printing and Misprinting A Companion to Mistakes and In-House Corrections in Renaissance Europe (1450-1650). Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2023.

Spencer W. Stuart, Contemporary Issues in Rare Books & Manuscript Collecting: a Handbook for Collectors and the Trade.

Meer informatie: https://spencerwstuart.myshopify.com/products/contemporary-issues-in-rare-book-manuscript-collection-a-handbook-for-collectors-and-the-trade

Continuer la lectureSpencer W. Stuart, Contemporary Issues in Rare Books & Manuscript Collecting: a Handbook for Collectors and the Trade.

Renaud Adam, Rosa De Marco, and Malcolm Walsby (ed.), Books and Prints at the Heart of the Catholic Reformation in the Low Countries (16th–17th centuries). Brill, Leiden, 2022.

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Meer informatie: Books and Prints at the Heart of the Catholic Reformation in the Low Countries (16th–17th centuries) | Brill

Continuer la lectureRenaud Adam, Rosa De Marco, and Malcolm Walsby (ed.), Books and Prints at the Heart of the Catholic Reformation in the Low Countries (16th–17th centuries). Brill, Leiden, 2022.

Charles Asselineau, De hel van de bibliofiel. Aangevuld met verhalen van Octave Uzanne en Andrew Lang, vertaald uit het Frans en Engels door Martin Hulsenboom, biografische portretten door Peter IJsenbrant, en bibliomane aantekeningen van Ed Schilders.

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  Meer info: https://www.stichtingdesiderata.nl/publicaties-1/charles-asselineau    

Continuer la lectureCharles Asselineau, De hel van de bibliofiel. Aangevuld met verhalen van Octave Uzanne en Andrew Lang, vertaald uit het Frans en Engels door Martin Hulsenboom, biografische portretten door Peter IJsenbrant, en bibliomane aantekeningen van Ed Schilders.

Jacobus de Voragine, Legenda aurea. Levens van de heiligen. Vertaald en ingeleid door Ton Hilhorst en Carolien Hilhorst-Boink. Boom Uitgevers Amsterdam.

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Meer info: https://www.boomgeschiedenis.nl/product/100-9460_Legenda-Aurea

Continuer la lectureJacobus de Voragine, Legenda aurea. Levens van de heiligen. Vertaald en ingeleid door Ton Hilhorst en Carolien Hilhorst-Boink. Boom Uitgevers Amsterdam.

L. Guillo: Christophe Ballard, imprimeur-libraire en musique sous Louis XIV

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658 p., 82 b/w ill., 31 b/w tables, 178 x 254 mm, 2021ISBN: 978-2-503-59989-2Languages: FrenchThe publication is available.Retail price: EUR 85,00 excl. taxhttp://www.brepols.net/Pages/ShowProduct.aspx?prod_id=IS-9782503599892-1 Christophe Ballard, imprimeur-libraire en musique sous Louis…

Continuer la lectureL. Guillo: Christophe Ballard, imprimeur-libraire en musique sous Louis XIV

Thomas, Drew B.: The industry of evangelism. Printing for the Reformation in Martin Luther’s Wittenberg

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Of the leading print centres in early modern Europe, Wittenberg was the only one that was not a major centre of trade, politics, or culture. This monograph examines the rise…

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Dijkstra, Trude: Printing and publishing Chinese religion and philosophy in the Dutch Republic

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This book discusses how Chinese religion and philosophy were represented in printed works produced in the Dutch Republic between 1595 and 1700. By focusing on books, newspapers, learned journals, and…

Continuer la lectureDijkstra, Trude: Printing and publishing Chinese religion and philosophy in the Dutch Republic

Mauro Perani (ed.): Medieval Hebrew manuscripts reused as book-bindings in Italy. European Genizah texts and studies.

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This richly illustrated volume offers the most comprehensive and updated survey on about sixteen thousand Hebrew manuscript fragments reused as book-bindings and preserved in hundreds of libraries and archives in…

Continuer la lectureMauro Perani (ed.): Medieval Hebrew manuscripts reused as book-bindings in Italy. European Genizah texts and studies.

Laube, Stefan: Einladende Buch-Anfänge

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Titelbilder des Wissens in der frühen Neuzeit Reihe:Wolfenbütteler ForschungenBandnummer:170Umfang/Format:420 Seiten, 117 s/w-Abb., 25 Farbabb.Sprache:DeutschAusstattung:Buch (Hardcover)Abmessungen:16,00 × 24,00 cmGewicht:1060gErscheinungsdatum:09.03.2022Preise:82,00 Eur[D] / 84,30 Eur[A]ISBN:978-3-447-11689-3 „In medias res“ – so beginnt kein Buch. Vielmehr sind…

Continuer la lectureLaube, Stefan: Einladende Buch-Anfänge

Philip Beeley, Yelda Nasifoglu, Benjamin Wardhaugh (eds): Reading Mathematics in Early Modern Europe

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Libraries and archives contain many thousands of early modern mathematical books, of which almost equally many bear readers’ marks, ranging from deliberate annotations and accidental blots to corrections and underlinings.…

Continuer la lecturePhilip Beeley, Yelda Nasifoglu, Benjamin Wardhaugh (eds): Reading Mathematics in Early Modern Europe

Gwendoline de Mûelenaere: Early Modern Thesis Prints in the Southern Netherlands

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An Iconological Analysis of the Relationships between Art, Science and Power Series: Brill’s Studies on Art, Art History, and Intellectual History, Volume: 60 Author: Gwendoline de MûelenaereIn Early Modern Thesis Prints in the…

Continuer la lectureGwendoline de Mûelenaere: Early Modern Thesis Prints in the Southern Netherlands

Jeanine De Landtsheer: In Pursuit of the Muses. The Life and Work of Justus Lipsius

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Edited by Marijke Crab & Ide François Famed for his ground-breaking philological, philosophical, and antiquarian writings, the Brabant humanist Justus Lipsius (1547-1606) was one of the most renowned classical scholars…

Continuer la lectureJeanine De Landtsheer: In Pursuit of the Muses. The Life and Work of Justus Lipsius

Malte Griesse, Monika Barget, and David de Boer (eds.): Revolts and Political Violence in Early Modern Imagery

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Series: Brill’s Studies on Art, Art History, and Intellectual History, Volume: 54 Editors: Malte Griesse, Monika Barget, and David de BoerIn the early modern period, images of revolts and violence became increasingly important tools…

Continuer la lectureMalte Griesse, Monika Barget, and David de Boer (eds.): Revolts and Political Violence in Early Modern Imagery

Trude Dijkstra: Printing and Publishing Chinese Religion and Philosophy in the Dutch Republic, 1595-1700

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The Chinese Imprint Author: Trude DijkstraTrude Dijkstra discusses how Chinese religion and philosophy were represented in printed works produced in the Dutch Republic between 1595 and 1700. By focusing on books,…

Continuer la lectureTrude Dijkstra: Printing and Publishing Chinese Religion and Philosophy in the Dutch Republic, 1595-1700

Alexander Samuel Wilkinson (ed.): Illustration and Ornamentation in the Iberian Book World, 1450-1800

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Series: Library of the Written Word, Volume: 91Library of the Written Word - The Handpress World, Volume: 91 Editor: Alexander Samuel Wilkinson In the early modern Iberian book world, as in the…

Continuer la lectureAlexander Samuel Wilkinson (ed.): Illustration and Ornamentation in the Iberian Book World, 1450-1800

Jean Devaux, Matthieu Marchal et Alexandra Velissariou (eds): LES PREMIERS IMPRIMÉS FRANÇAIS ET LA LITTÉRATURE DE BOURGOGNE (1470-1550)

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Actes du colloque internat. tenu à l'Univ. du Littoral - Côte d'Opale (Dunkerque).Issu des rencontres internationales qui se sont tenues à l’Université Littoral – Côte d’Opale (Dunkerque) les 22 et…

Continuer la lectureJean Devaux, Matthieu Marchal et Alexandra Velissariou (eds): LES PREMIERS IMPRIMÉS FRANÇAIS ET LA LITTÉRATURE DE BOURGOGNE (1470-1550)

Nina Lamal, Jamie Cumby, and Helmer J. Helmers (eds): Print and Power in Early Modern Europe (1500–1800)

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Print, in the early modern period, could make or break power. This volume addresses one of the most urgent and topical questions in early modern history: how did European authorities…

Continuer la lectureNina Lamal, Jamie Cumby, and Helmer J. Helmers (eds): Print and Power in Early Modern Europe (1500–1800)

Andrea Lindmayr-Brandl, Grantley McDonald (eds): Early Printed Music and Material Culture in Central and Western Europe

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Deze publicatie, uitgegeven door Andrea Lindmayr-Brandl (Universität Salzburg) en Grantley McDonald (University of Oxford & Universität Wien), bevat, onder andere, bijdragen over het drukken van muziek in Antwerpen en de…

Continuer la lectureAndrea Lindmayr-Brandl, Grantley McDonald (eds): Early Printed Music and Material Culture in Central and Western Europe

Jean-Yves MOLLIER: Histoire des libraires et de la librairie de l’Antiquité jusqu’à nos jours

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Jean-Yves MOLLIER: Histoire des libraires et de la librairie de l'Antiquité jusqu'à nos jours Objet singulier et pourtant pluriel, se prêtant à la rêverie autant qu’à la réflexion, le livre…

Continuer la lectureJean-Yves MOLLIER: Histoire des libraires et de la librairie de l’Antiquité jusqu’à nos jours

Prof. Dr Hubert Meeus: Onderzoeksvaardigheden in de letteren en de boekgeschiedenis.

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Gedegen onderzoekers hebben niet alleen kennis nodig, ze moeten ook de juiste vaardigheden beheersen. Dit boek biedt in de eerste plaats een introductie in de basispraktijk van het wetenschappelijk onderzoek…

Continuer la lectureProf. Dr Hubert Meeus: Onderzoeksvaardigheden in de letteren en de boekgeschiedenis.