Frans-Willem Korsten, Inger Leemans, Cornelis van der Haven & Karel Vanhaesebrouck, Marketing Violence. The Affective Economy of Violent Imageries in the Dutch Republic, Cambridge University Press

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Meer informatie: Marketing Violence (

Continuer la lectureFrans-Willem Korsten, Inger Leemans, Cornelis van der Haven & Karel Vanhaesebrouck, Marketing Violence. The Affective Economy of Violent Imageries in the Dutch Republic, Cambridge University Press

Maria Barnas, Rik van Iersel, Domenique Himmelsbach de Vries & Marcel Ruijters, Hanze art – oude boeken nieuwe kunst, Uitgeverij petrichor en de Athenaeumbibliotheek

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  • Post category:Boeken

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Continuer la lectureMaria Barnas, Rik van Iersel, Domenique Himmelsbach de Vries & Marcel Ruijters, Hanze art – oude boeken nieuwe kunst, Uitgeverij petrichor en de Athenaeumbibliotheek

Andrea van Leerdam, Woodcuts as Reading Guides How Images Shaped Knowledge Transmission in Medical-Astrological Books in Dutch (1500-1550), Amsterdam University Press.

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Meer informatie: Woodcuts as Reading Guides | Amsterdam University Press (

Continuer la lectureAndrea van Leerdam, Woodcuts as Reading Guides How Images Shaped Knowledge Transmission in Medical-Astrological Books in Dutch (1500-1550), Amsterdam University Press.

Renske Hoff ontvangt de Mgr. Charles de Clercqprijs voor proefschrift over Antwerpse drukkers

Renske Hoff ontvangt de Mgr. Charles de Clercqprijs voor haar proefschrift met de titel Involving Readers: Practices of Reading, Use, and Interaction in Early Modern Dutch Bibles (1522-1546). Renske Annelize…

Continuer la lectureRenske Hoff ontvangt de Mgr. Charles de Clercqprijs voor proefschrift over Antwerpse drukkers

Rindert Jagersma, Helwi Blom, Evelien Chayes, and Ann-Marie Hansen (ed.), Private Libraries and their Documentation, 1665–1830, Brill.

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Meer informatie: Private Libraries and their Documentation, 1665–1830 – Studying and Interpreting Sources | Brill

Continuer la lectureRindert Jagersma, Helwi Blom, Evelien Chayes, and Ann-Marie Hansen (ed.), Private Libraries and their Documentation, 1665–1830, Brill.

Tine De Koninck, Van hof naar kapel. Franse air-de-courmelodieën in zeventiende-eeuwse liedboeken uit de Zuidelijke Nederlanden, Leuven University Press, KANTL-Publicaties.

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Meer informatie: Van hof naar kapel – Leuven University Press (

Continuer la lectureTine De Koninck, Van hof naar kapel. Franse air-de-courmelodieën in zeventiende-eeuwse liedboeken uit de Zuidelijke Nederlanden, Leuven University Press, KANTL-Publicaties.

Hans Bots, Eugénie Bots-Estourgie, Sébastien Drouin & Jan Schillings (ed.),Les libraires de Hollande en correspondance avec Pierre Des Maizeaux (1698-1744). La librairie de Hollande dans la premiere moitié du XVIIIe siècle, Honoré Champion.

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Meer informatie: Honoré Champion (

Continuer la lectureHans Bots, Eugénie Bots-Estourgie, Sébastien Drouin & Jan Schillings (ed.),Les libraires de Hollande en correspondance avec Pierre Des Maizeaux (1698-1744). La librairie de Hollande dans la premiere moitié du XVIIIe siècle, Honoré Champion.

Anna Dlabačová, Andrea van Leerdam, and John Thompson (ed.), Vernacular Books and Their Readers in the Early Age of Print (c. 1450–1600), Brill.

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Meer informatie: Vernacular Books and Their Readers in the Early Age of Print (c. 1450–1600) | Brill

Continuer la lectureAnna Dlabačová, Andrea van Leerdam, and John Thompson (ed.), Vernacular Books and Their Readers in the Early Age of Print (c. 1450–1600), Brill.

Jonas Nordin, Gustavs Strenga, and Peter Sjökvist (red.), The Baltic Battle of Books. Formation and Relocation of European Libraries in the Confessional Age (c. 1500–c. 1650) and Their Afterlife, Brill.

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  • Post category:Boeken

Meer informatie: The Baltic Battle of Books – Formation and Relocation of European Libraries in the Confessional Age (c. 1500–c. 1650) and Their Afterlife | Brill

Continuer la lectureJonas Nordin, Gustavs Strenga, and Peter Sjökvist (red.), The Baltic Battle of Books. Formation and Relocation of European Libraries in the Confessional Age (c. 1500–c. 1650) and Their Afterlife, Brill.

Geri Della Rocca de Candal, Anthony Grafton, and Paolo Sachet (red.), Printing and Misprinting. A Companion to Mistakes and In-House Corrections in Renaissance Europe (1450-1650), Oxford University Press.

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  • Post category:Boeken

Meer informatie: Printing and Misprinting - Geri Della Rocca de Candal, Anthony Grafton, Paolo Sachet - Oxford University Press (

Continuer la lectureGeri Della Rocca de Candal, Anthony Grafton, and Paolo Sachet (red.), Printing and Misprinting. A Companion to Mistakes and In-House Corrections in Renaissance Europe (1450-1650), Oxford University Press.

Renaud Adam et Chiara Lastraioli (red.), Lost in Renaissance. Sept essais d’histoire du livre. Seven Essays on the History of the Book, Honoré Champion Éditeur.

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  • Post category:Boeken

Meer informatie: Honoré Champion (

Continuer la lectureRenaud Adam et Chiara Lastraioli (red.), Lost in Renaissance. Sept essais d’histoire du livre. Seven Essays on the History of the Book, Honoré Champion Éditeur.

Claudine Chavannes-Mazel, Linda IJpelaar (red.), The Green Middle Ages The Depiction and Use of Plants in the Western World 600-1600, Amsterdam University Press.

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  • Post category:Boeken

Meer informatie: The Green Middle Ages | Amsterdam University Press (

Continuer la lectureClaudine Chavannes-Mazel, Linda IJpelaar (red.), The Green Middle Ages The Depiction and Use of Plants in the Western World 600-1600, Amsterdam University Press.

Paul Stockman, ‘Bidden en Werken’. Cisterciënzers in Vlaanderen en Zeeuws-Vlaanderen (1183-1645).Hulst: De Maelstede, 2023.

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Continuer la lecturePaul Stockman, ‘Bidden en Werken’. Cisterciënzers in Vlaanderen en Zeeuws-Vlaanderen (1183-1645).Hulst: De Maelstede, 2023.

Geri Della Rocca de Candal, Anthony Grafton, and Paolo Sachet (ed.), Printing and Misprinting A Companion to Mistakes and In-House Corrections in Renaissance Europe (1450-1650). Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2023.

Meer informatie:

Continuer la lectureGeri Della Rocca de Candal, Anthony Grafton, and Paolo Sachet (ed.), Printing and Misprinting A Companion to Mistakes and In-House Corrections in Renaissance Europe (1450-1650). Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2023.

Spencer W. Stuart, Contemporary Issues in Rare Books & Manuscript Collecting: a Handbook for Collectors and the Trade.

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Continuer la lectureSpencer W. Stuart, Contemporary Issues in Rare Books & Manuscript Collecting: a Handbook for Collectors and the Trade.

NY Society Library e-membership: Remote access to scholarly databases, ebooks and more

The New York Society Library offers E-memberships for those interested in access to our collection of 20+ electronic resources, including JSTOR, Project Muse, the America Founding Era Collection (papers and correspondence from several…

Continuer la lectureNY Society Library e-membership: Remote access to scholarly databases, ebooks and more

Vlaamse Regering maakt erfbelasting betalen met cultuurgoederen aantrekkelijker.

Belastingen op nalatenschap betalen met cultuurgoederen? Het kan en de voorwaarden worden interessanter. De Vlaamse Regering keurde definitief het decreet goed dat de regeling om cultuurgoederen in betaling te geven…

Continuer la lectureVlaamse Regering maakt erfbelasting betalen met cultuurgoederen aantrekkelijker.