- 20th century, 21st century, DGP pdf-in-memoriam, Formats / text design, Copy, typesetting, printing (presses, inks) and correction, Organisation of the printshop/publishing house, Relationship publisher-author, Co-operation
Rudy Vanschoonbeek, In memoriam Boris Rousseeuw (1959–2024)
- €0,00
- In memoriam Boris Rousseeuw (1959–2024), het moest er toch van komen Rudy Vanschoonbeek in De Gulden Passer, vol. 102 (2024), nr. 1, pp. 88–92
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- 16th century, Àuthors, TGC pdf contribution, Relationship publisher-author
Klaas Hoogendoorn & Godfried Croenen, Fragmenten van twee onbekende prognosticaties in het archief van de Abdij van Averbode
- €7,00
- Fragmenten van twee onbekende prognosticaties in het archief van de Abdij van Averbode Klaas Hoogendoorn & Godfried Croenen in De Gulden Passer, vol. 102 (2024), nr. 1, pp. 41–59
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- 15th century and earlier, 16th century, Àuthors, TGC pdf contribution, Relationship publisher-author
Klaas Hoogendoorn, Nog meer onbekende prognosticaties van Jaspar Laet van Borchloon op het spoor
- €7,00
- Nog meer onbekende prognosticaties van 59 Jaspar Laet van Borchloon op het spoor Klaas Hoogendoorn in De Gulden Passer, vol. 101 (2023), nr. 1, pp. 58–76
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- 16th century, 17th century, Product range (genre/language) and form of the traded book of the, TGC pdf article, Distribution, International trading, Organisation of the printshop/publishing house, Relationship publisher-author, Co-operation, Library types
Alexander Soetaert, Printing at the frontier. The emergence of a transregional book production in the Ecclesiastical Province of Cambrai (c. 1560–1659)
€7,00€0,00 - Printing at the frontier. The emergence of a transregional book production in the Ecclesiastical Province of Cambrai (c. 1560–1659) Alexander Soetaert in De Gulden Passer, vol. 94 (2016), nr. 1, pp. 137–163
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- 19th century, 20th century, Product range (genre/language) and form of the traded book of the, TGC pdf article, Finance, print runs and prices, Formats / text design, The book as a physical object, Illustration and decoration, Copy, typesetting, printing (presses, inks) and correction, Fonts (incl. design and foundries), Paper (incl. production, watermarks, trading), Relationship publisher-author, Co-operation
Paul van Capelleveen, Vlaamse private presses rond 1900. Het ontweken voorbeeld van William Morris
€7,00€0,00 - Vlaamse private presses rond 1900. Het ontweken voorbeeld van William Morris Paul van Capelleveen in De Gulden Passer, vol. 95 (2017), nr. 1, pp. 61–122
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- 18th century, TGC pdf contribution, Formats / text design, Copy, typesetting, printing (presses, inks) and correction, Organisation of the printshop/publishing house, Relationship publisher-author
Johan Hanselaer, Een sterfgeval voorspeld? Het gebedenboek voor het Sint-Autbertusbegijnhof, gheseyt ’t Poortacker, te Gent
€7,00€0,00 - Een sterfgeval voorspeld? Het gebedenboek voor het Sint-Autbertusbegijnhof, gheseyt ’t Poortacker, te Gent Johan Hanselaer in De Gulden Passer, vol. 95 (2017), nr. 2, pp. 283–296
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- 16th century, Àuthors, TGC pdf article, Relationship publisher-author
Xander Feys, Lipsius in de collegezaal: een studie van zijn De magistratibus
€7,00€0,00 - Lipsius in de collegezaal: een studie van zijn De magistratibus Xander Feys in De Gulden Passer, vol. 96 (2018), nr. 1, pp. 111–131
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- 16th century, Àuthors, TGC pdf article, Relationship publisher-author
Marijke Crab, Suetonius ex Officina Plantiniana
€7,00€0,00 - Suetonius ex Officina Plantiniana Marijke Crab in De Gulden Passer, vol. 96 (2018), nr. 1, pp. 73–110
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- 16th century, The library, its design and function, TGC pdf article, Ditribution modes / advertising, Finance, print runs and prices, International trading, Types of trading / payment, Organisation of the printshop/publishing house, Relationship publisher-author, Co-operation, Library types
Denis Pallier, ‘A Paris. Au Compas d’or, Rue Sainct Jacques’. La succursale parisienne de Plantin. Seconde partie: la succursale source d’approvisionnement, activités annexes, économie d’une succursale, motifs du changement d’organisation en 1577
- €7,00
- ‘A Paris. Au Compas d’or, Rue Sainct Jacques’. La succursale parisienne de Plantin. Seconde partie: la succursale source d’approvisionnement, activités annexes, économie d’une succursale, motifs du changement d’organisation en 1577 Denis Pallier in De Gulden Passer, vol. 99 (2021), nr. 2, pp. 167–251
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- 17th century, TGC pdf article, Copyrights and reprints, Relationship publisher-author
Kristof Selleslach, The confirmation of the Officina Plantiniana’s general privilege in 1641
- €7,00
- The confirmation of the Officina Plantiniana’s general privilege in 1641 Kristof Selleslach in De Gulden Passer, vol. 98 (2020), nr. 1, pp. 197–223
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- 16th century, Àuthors, Copy, typesetting, printing (presses, inks) and correction, Ditribution modes / advertising, Organisation of the printshop/publishing house, Printed Book, Product range (genre/language) and form of the traded book of the, Relationship publisher-author, TGC printed copy, The library, its design and function, Types of trading / payment
M. de Schepper & F. de Nave (eds), Ex officina Plantiniana. Studia in memoriam Christophori Plantini (Dutch)
- €15,00
- A publication of the Antwerp Bibliophile Society 696 pages Bound Constitutes volume 66-67 (1988-89) of The Golden Compasses
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