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- 16th century, TGC pdf article, Copy, typesetting, printing (presses, inks) and correction, Organisation of the printshop/publishing house
Piet Franssen, Productiebeleid binnen de uitgeverij van Jan van Doesborch: de casus Den oorspronck onser salicheyt (1517)
- €0,00
- Productiebeleid binnen de uitgeverij van Jan van Doesborch: de casus Den oorspronck onser salicheyt (1517) Piet Franssen in De Gulden Passer, vol. 97 (2019), nr. 1, pp. 7–40
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- 16th century, Censorship, TGC pdf article, Copy, typesetting, printing (presses, inks) and correction, Copyrights and reprints
Kristof Selleslach, De kopij van het Plantijnse Nievvve Testament van 1577 met een analyse van de privileges
- €0,00
- De kopij van het Plantijnse Nievvve Testament van 1577 met een analyse van de privileges Kristof Selleslach in De Gulden Passer, vol. 97 (2019), nr. 1, pp. 41–58
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- 20th century, 21st century, DGP pdf-in-memoriam, Production
Alexandre Vanautgaerden, Jean-François Gilmont (1934–2020): from Rome to Geneva, via Leuven
- €0,00
- Jean-François Gilmont (1934–2020): from Rome to Geneva, via Leuven Alexandre Vanautgaerden in De Gulden Passer, vol. 98 (2020), nr. 1, pp. 275–280
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- 20th century, TGC pdf contribution, Production
Marie Kympers & Hilde Langeraert, Drie eeuwen grafische industrie: De nieuwe drukkerijafdeling in het Industriemuseum
- €7,00
- Drie eeuwen grafische industrie: De nieuwe drukkerijafdeling in het Industriemuseum Marie Kympers & Hilde Langeraert in De Gulden Passer, vol. 98 (2020), nr. 1, pp. 239–257
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- 17th century, TGC pdf article, Finance, print runs and prices, Copy, typesetting, printing (presses, inks) and correction, Organisation of the printshop/publishing house
Xevi Camprubí, The importance of ephemera for the printing industry in the early modern period: The case of Barcelona
- €7,00
- The importance of ephemera for the printing industry in the early modern period: The case of Barcelona Xevi Camprubí in De Gulden Passer, vol. 98 (2020), nr. 1, pp. 119–150
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- 17th century, The library, its design and function, TGC pdf article, Distribution, Finance, print runs and prices, International trading, Types of trading / payment, Copy, typesetting, printing (presses, inks) and correction, Organisation of the printshop/publishing house
Kristof Selleslach, How to transfer the Officina Plantiniana to the next generation. The instructions of Balthasar Moretus II to his future heirs (1659–1673)
- €7,00
- How to transfer the Officina Plantiniana to the next generation. The instructions of Balthasar Moretus II to his future heirs (1659–1673) Kristof Selleslach in De Gulden Passer, vol. 98 (2020), nr. 2, pp. 205–297
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- 16th century, TGC pdf article, Finance, print runs and prices
Renaud Milazzo, In the mind of a publisher. Establishing the price of emblem books in Antwerp in the sixteenth century (gratis PDF)
- €0,00
- In the mind of a publisher. Establishing the price of emblem books in Antwerp in the sixteenth century Renaud Milazzo in De Gulden Passer, vol. 98 (2020), nr. 2, pp. 183–202 Published in open access: gratis PDF
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- 16th century, TGC pdf article, Finance, print runs and prices
Mark McConnell, Publishing risk and cost incentives in Early Modern printing. An examination of Christopher Plantin’s operations (gratis PDF)
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- Publishing risk and cost incentives in Early Modern printing. An examination of Christopher Plantin’s operations Mark McConnell in De Gulden Passer, vol. 98 (2020), nr. 2, pp. 129–182 Published in open access: gratis PDF
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- 16th century, TGC pdf article, Copy, typesetting, printing (presses, inks) and correction
Herre de Vries & Anne Popkema, Uitgaven, spookedities en ‘lost books’. Over de quodlibeta van de Leuvense theoloog Johannes Varenacker († 1475)
- €7,00
- Uitgaven, spookedities en ‘lost books’. Over de quodlibeta van de Leuvense theoloog Johannes Varenacker († 1475) Herre de Vries & Anne Popkema in De Gulden Passer, vol. 99 (2021), nr. 1, pp. 7–53
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- 16th century, The book as a physical object, Production
Goran Proot, Yann Sordet et Christophe Vellet (eds): CHRISTOPHE PLANTIN ET SON OFFICINE
- €48,00
- Un siècle d’excellence typographique A century of typographical excellence ( 1555- 1655 ) Paris, Editions des Cendres , 2021 504 pag., 205 x 265 , relié, 150 ill. en couleurs , bibliographie et index Dit boek kan niet rechtstreeks via de webshop besteld worden, enkel per e-mail bij Van de Wiele Auctions met vermelding van uw naam, volledig adres en…
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- 17th century, Organisation of the printshop/publishing house, Printed Book
Koen de Vlieger-de Wilde (ed.), Adresboek van zeventiende-eeuwse drukkers, uitgevers en boekverkopers in Vlaanderen
- €30,00
- Directory of Seventeenth-Century Printers, Publishers and Booksellers in Flanders, A publication of the Antwerp Bibliophile Society New series, no. 1 2004. 168 p. Illustrated ISBN 90-808855-1-7
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