- 16th century, 17th century, TGC complete PDF, Finance, print runs and prices, Copyrights and reprints, Co-operation
De Gulden Passer, vol. 100 (2022), nr. 2: Competition in the European book market (PDF)
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- PDF van editie 2 van 2022, de100ste jaargang van De Gulden Passer, 314 blz.
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- 17th century, TGC pdf article, Distribution, Ditribution modes / advertising, Finance, print runs and prices, International trading, Organisation of the printshop/publishing house
Steven Van Impe, De Antwerpse uitgever en courantier Maarten Binnart (ca. 1590–ca. 1653)
- €0,00
- De Antwerpse uitgever en courantier Maarten Binnart (ca. 1590–ca. 1653). Met een fondslijst Steven Van Impe in De Gulden Passer, vol. 94 (2016), nr. 2, pp. 287–317
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- 16th century, The library, its design and function, TGC pdf article, Ditribution modes / advertising, Finance, print runs and prices, International trading, Types of trading / payment
Denis Pallier, Recherches sur le cercle plantinien en France: amis, appuis, familistes
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- Recherches sur le cercle plantinien en France: amis, appuis, familistes Denis Pallier in De Gulden Passer, vol. 96 (2018), nr. 1, pp. 7–72
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- 16th century, TGC pdf article, Finance, print runs and prices, Formats / text design, Types of trading / payment, Copy, typesetting, printing (presses, inks) and correction
J. Christopher Warner, The printing of dissertations in sixteenth-century Louvain. A reconsideration in light of other samples and factors
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- The printing of dissertations in sixteenth-century Louvain. A reconsideration in light of other samples and factors J. Christopher Warner in De Gulden Passer, vol. 96 (2018), nr. 2, pp. 183–244
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- 17th century, TGC pdf article, Finance, print runs and prices, Copy, typesetting, printing (presses, inks) and correction, Organisation of the printshop/publishing house
Xevi Camprubí, The importance of ephemera for the printing industry in the early modern period: The case of Barcelona
- €7,00
- The importance of ephemera for the printing industry in the early modern period: The case of Barcelona Xevi Camprubí in De Gulden Passer, vol. 98 (2020), nr. 1, pp. 119–150
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- 17th century, The library, its design and function, TGC pdf article, Distribution, Finance, print runs and prices, International trading, Types of trading / payment, Copy, typesetting, printing (presses, inks) and correction, Organisation of the printshop/publishing house
Kristof Selleslach, How to transfer the Officina Plantiniana to the next generation. The instructions of Balthasar Moretus II to his future heirs (1659–1673)
- €7,00
- How to transfer the Officina Plantiniana to the next generation. The instructions of Balthasar Moretus II to his future heirs (1659–1673) Kristof Selleslach in De Gulden Passer, vol. 98 (2020), nr. 2, pp. 205–297
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- 16th century, TGC pdf article, Finance, print runs and prices
Renaud Milazzo, In the mind of a publisher. Establishing the price of emblem books in Antwerp in the sixteenth century (gratis PDF)
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- In the mind of a publisher. Establishing the price of emblem books in Antwerp in the sixteenth century Renaud Milazzo in De Gulden Passer, vol. 98 (2020), nr. 2, pp. 183–202 Published in open access: gratis PDF
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- 16th century, TGC pdf article, Finance, print runs and prices
Mark McConnell, Publishing risk and cost incentives in Early Modern printing. An examination of Christopher Plantin’s operations (gratis PDF)
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- Publishing risk and cost incentives in Early Modern printing. An examination of Christopher Plantin’s operations Mark McConnell in De Gulden Passer, vol. 98 (2020), nr. 2, pp. 129–182 Published in open access: gratis PDF
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