- 16th century, TGC pdf article, Private libraries (bibliophily)
Denis Pallier, Lectures d’une cour: les achats de la maison du duc d’Anjou à Anvers, d’après les Grands livres et Journaux de l’Officina Plantiniana (1582–1583)
- €7,00
- Lectures d’une cour: les achats de la maison du duc d’Anjou à Anvers, d’après les Grands livres et Journaux de l’Officina Plantiniana (1582–1583) Denis Pallier in De Gulden Passer, vol. 102 (2024), nr. 1, pp. 7–39
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- 16th century, TGC pdf article, Reading behaviour / traces of usage, Education and literacy
An Smets, Ms. 237 de KU Leuven Libraries Special Collections. L’un des rares manuscrits du seizième siècle rédigé par un étudiant de l’université de Louvain
- €7,00
- Ms. 237 de KU Leuven Libraries Special Collections. L’un des rares manuscrits du seizième siècle rédigé par un étudiant de l’université de Louvain An Smets in De Gulden Passer, vol. 101 (2023), nr. 2, pp. 167–188
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- 16th century, 17th century, TGC pdf article, Finance, print runs and prices, Formats / text design, Illustration and decoration, Copy, typesetting, printing (presses, inks) and correction
Dirk Imhof, Plantijns edities van Guicciardini’s beschrijving van de Nederlanden: een werk van lange adem
- €7,00
- Plantijns edities van Guicciardini’s beschrijving van de Nederlanden: een werk van lange adem Dirk Imhof in De Gulden Passer, vol. 101 (2023), nr. 2, pp. 147–165
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- 16th century, 17th century, TGC printed copy, Finance, print runs and prices, Copyrights and reprints, Co-operation
De Gulden Passer, vol. 100 (2022), nr. 2: Competition in the European Book market
- €50,00
- Editie 2 van 2022, de 100ste jaargang van De Gulden Passer. 314 pagina's
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- 16th century, TGC pdf article, Finance, print runs and prices, Co-operation
Maria Alessandra Panzanelli Fratoni, Torti, Giunta & Co. A full programme of publishing legal editions (Venice 1507)
- €0,00
- Torti, Giunta & Co. A full programme of publishing legal editions (Venice 1507) Maria Alessandra Panzanelli Fratoni in De Gulden Passer, vol. 100 (2022), nr. 2, pp. 279–309
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- 16th century, TGC pdf article, Finance, print runs and prices, Co-operation
Kevin M. Stevens, Deciphering the Antoni/De Franceschi partnership in Milan (c. 1588–1591). Some preliminary observations
- €0,00
- Deciphering the Antoni/De Franceschi partnership in Milan (c. 1588–1591). Some preliminary observations Kevin M. Stevens in De Gulden Passer, vol. 100 (2022), nr. 2, pp. 267–278
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- 16th century, TGC pdf article, Finance, print runs and prices
Diane E. Booton, An analysis of book prices in Paris. The first bookseller’s catalogue of Simon de Colines, c. 1540
- €0,00
- An analysis of book prices in Paris. The first bookseller’s catalogue of Simon de Colines, c. 1540 Diane E. Booton in De Gulden Passer, vol. 100 (2022), nr. 2, pp. 253–266
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- 16th century, TGC pdf article, Copyrights and reprints
Erika Squassina, The protection of the printing industry in Venice (1560–1580)
- €0,00
- The protection of the printing industry in Venice (1560–1580) Erika Squassina in De Gulden Passer, vol. 100 (2022), nr. 2, pp. 235–251
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- 15th century and earlier, 16th century, 17th century, TGC pdf article, Finance, print runs and prices
Francesco Ammannati, Notes on Venetian monetary history from the medieval to the early modern era
- €0,00
- Notes on Venetian monetary history from the medieval to the early modern era Francesco Ammannati in De Gulden Passer, vol. 100 (2022), nr. 2, pp. 193–202
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- 16th century, TGC pdf article, Finance, print runs and prices
Angela Nuovo & Francesca De Battisti, The price of books in early modern Venice (1586–1600). A statistical analysis
- €0,00
- The price of books in early modern Venice (1586–1600). A statistical analysis Angela Nuovo & Francesca De Battisti in De Gulden Passer, vol. 100 (2022), nr. 2, pp. 147–192
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- 16th century, TGC pdf article, Finance, print runs and prices
Renaud Milazzo, Le marché des livres juridiques à Lyon et à Venise au XVIe siècle
- €0,00
- Le marché des livres juridiques à Lyon et à Venise au XVIe siècle Renaud Milazzo in De Gulden Passer, vol. 100 (2022), nr. 2, pp. 69–146
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- 16th century, TGC pdf article, Finance, print runs and prices
Saskia Limbach, Sales and trading in Frankfurt. Feyerabend’s prices in perspective (1565–1597)
- €0,00
- Sales and trading in Frankfurt. Feyerabend’s prices in perspective (1565–1597) Saskia Limbach in De Gulden Passer, vol. 100 (2022), nr. 2, pp. 27–67
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- 16th century, 17th century, TGC pdf article, Finance, print runs and prices
Francesco Ammannati & Joran Proot, Book prices from the Officina Plantiniana in a comparative perspective (1586–1631)
- €0,00
- Book prices from the Officina Plantiniana in a comparative perspective (1586–1631) Francesco Ammannati & Joran Proot in De Gulden Passer, vol. 100 (2022), nr. 2, pp. 12–25
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- 16th century, 17th century, TGC pdf contribution, Finance, print runs and prices, Copyrights and reprints
Angela Nuovo, Joran Proot & Diane E. Booton, Early modern book prices lost and found
- €0,00
- Early modern book prices lost and found Angela Nuovo, Joran Proot & Diane E. Booton in De Gulden Passer, vol. 100 (2022), nr. 2, pp. 7–11
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- 16th century, 17th century, TGC complete PDF, Finance, print runs and prices, Copyrights and reprints, Co-operation
De Gulden Passer, vol. 100 (2022), nr. 2: Competition in the European book market (PDF)
- €0,00
- PDF van editie 2 van 2022, de100ste jaargang van De Gulden Passer, 314 blz.
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- Sale!
- 16th century, The library, its design and function, TGC pdf article, Distribution, International trading, Types of trading / payment, Organisation of the printshop/publishing house
Denis Pallier, L’apothicaire Pierre Porret, ami et agent de Plantin
- €0,00
- L’apothicaire Pierre Porret, ami et agent de Plantin Denis Pallier in De Gulden Passer, vol. 94 (2016), nr. 2, pp. 219–262
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- 16th century, TGC pdf article, Illustration and decoration
Rozewinde Gerits, The ‘Triumphal Procession’ of Emperor Charles V and Clement VII in Bologna (1530): Printing and copying news in the Netherlands. Robert Peril, Nicolas Hogenberg and Martin Lempereur
- €0,00
- The ‘Triumphal Procession’ of Emperor Charles V and Clement VII in Bologna (1530): Printing and copying news in the Netherlands. Robert Peril, Nicolas Hogenberg and Martin Lempereur Rozewinde Gerits in De Gulden Passer, vol. 94 (2016), nr. 2, pp. 197–218
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- 16th century, TGC pdf article, Fonts (incl. design and foundries)
Hendrik D.L. Vervliet, Granjon’s music founts: an addition
- €0,00
- Granjon’s music founts: an addition Hendrik D.L. Vervliet in De Gulden Passer, vol. 95 (2017), nr. 1, pp. 35–36
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