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- 16th century, The library, its design and function, TGC pdf article, Distribution, International trading, Types of trading / payment, Organisation of the printshop/publishing house
Denis Pallier, L’apothicaire Pierre Porret, ami et agent de Plantin
- €0,00
- L’apothicaire Pierre Porret, ami et agent de Plantin Denis Pallier in De Gulden Passer, vol. 94 (2016), nr. 2, pp. 219–262
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- 19th century, The library, its design and function, TGC pdf contribution, Library types
Kristof Selleslach, Het archief van de Antwerpse prentenuitgever Tessaro 1815–1877
- €0,00
- Het archief van de Antwerpse prentenuitgever Tessaro 1815–1877 Kristof Selleslach in De Gulden Passer, vol. 96 (2018), nr. 1, pp. 165–167
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- 16th century, The library, its design and function, TGC pdf article, Ditribution modes / advertising, Finance, print runs and prices, International trading, Types of trading / payment
Denis Pallier, Recherches sur le cercle plantinien en France: amis, appuis, familistes
- €0,00
- Recherches sur le cercle plantinien en France: amis, appuis, familistes Denis Pallier in De Gulden Passer, vol. 96 (2018), nr. 1, pp. 7–72
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- 17th century, The library, its design and function, TGC pdf article, Distribution, Finance, print runs and prices, International trading, Types of trading / payment, Copy, typesetting, printing (presses, inks) and correction, Organisation of the printshop/publishing house
Kristof Selleslach, How to transfer the Officina Plantiniana to the next generation. The instructions of Balthasar Moretus II to his future heirs (1659–1673)
- €7,00
- How to transfer the Officina Plantiniana to the next generation. The instructions of Balthasar Moretus II to his future heirs (1659–1673) Kristof Selleslach in De Gulden Passer, vol. 98 (2020), nr. 2, pp. 205–297
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- 16th century, The library, its design and function, TGC pdf article, Distribution, International trading, Types of trading / payment
Denis Pallier, ‘A Paris. Au Compas d’or, Rue Sainct Jacques’. La succursale parisienne de Plantin. Première partie: sources, organisation, approvisionnement, réseau
- €7,00
- ‘A Paris. Au Compas d’or, Rue Sainct Jacques’. La succursale parisienne de Plantin. Première partie: sources, organisation, approvisionnement, réseau Denis Pallier in De Gulden Passer, vol. 98 (2020), nr. 2, pp. 17–124
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